【同义词辨析】 2017-08-31 强制force-oblige

force: the general term, implies overcoming resistance by strength, power, weight, stress or duress: ~ the prisoners to sign the contract.

compel: requires a personal object and may sug. the working of authority or irresistable force: all workers are ~ to pay taxes.

coerce: sug. an overcoming of resistance by actual or threatend violence or intimidation: ~ by gangsters into selling his business.

constrain: sug. a forcing by constricting, confining or binding action or choice: ~ by my conscience to see that justice was done.

oblige: implies the constaint of necessity, law, reason or duty: I am ~ to inform you of your rights.

force: 泛指强力逼迫(文中用克服抵抗overcome resistance),compel: 用权威权力强制人(宾语是不是物),coerce:通过暴力恐吓,constrain: 由于约束限制如良知, oblige:由于法律职责道理(文中reason)。

记忆方法: 1) 首字母联想OF CCC: 属于3C认证-->强制。

         3C是中国强制性产品认证China Compulsory Certification

        2) 问: 3C中的compulsory是哪个词的派生词,是否正确?
            答: 是compel派生词,用法正确,只有compel强调“权威权力”。

        3)强制的意思是使屈服mean to make someone or something yield.